Our Cayucos office is located at 10 N. Ocean Ave, Suite 112. Office hours vary by season and someone is usually on site M-F 10am to 4pm. For urgent issues call (805) 995-2347. If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911.
Vacation Rentals
Unless noted, check-in time is 4pm and check out time is 11am (if you need any other time accommodation, contact your property manager)
Contact your property manager for online payment options
Long-term rentals
Utilities at your property are your responsibility unless noted in your rental agreement/lease. You will need to set these up before your move-in date. A list of local utility companies is available below.
Pay your monthly rent using one of the options on the right
Utilities & Services
Listings are provided as a courtesy to our tenants; we do not recommend or endorse any of the agencies or 3rd-party companies listed below. Check with the company's website directly for current contact information. Contact us if you have any questions about services in your area or your town/area is not listed below.
General Services
AT&T (800) 772-3140
Charter Spectrum (888) 438-2427
Direct TV (888) 795-9488
Dish (888) 449-0888
PG&E (800) 743-5000
So Cal Gas (800) 427-2200
(SLO County does not use PG&E for gas services)
Kitzman Culligan Soft Water (805) 772-8164
Cal Fire (805) 927-4262
Cambria Fire Department (805) 927-6240
Water/Sewer/Trash (805) 927-6223
Cayucos Fire Department (805) 995-1133
Cayucos Sanitary District (805) 995-3290
Mission Country Disposal (805) 995-0817
Morro Rock Mutual Water (805) 995-3766
Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council
CA Wastewater Association (707) 579-4882 www.cowa.org
Cal Fire (805) 528-1053
Golden State Water (800) 999-4033
LO Community Services District Water (805) 528-9370 www.losososcsd.org
Mission Country Disposal (805) 528-7430
Regional Water Quality (805) 549-3147 www.waterboards.ca.gov
Septic Systems Mgmt www.cowa.org
www.morro-bay.ca.us (805) 772-6200
MB Fire Department (805) 772-6242
City of Morro Bay Garbage (805) 528-7430
MB Police Department (805) 772-6225
City of Morro Bay Water/Sewer (805) 772-6222
San Luis Obispo (“SLO”) County
www.slocounty.ca.gov (800) 834-4636
Animal Services (805) 781-4400
SLO County Library (805) 781-5991